Tuesday 29 May 2012

Different Views in Cry Engine

Development in CryEngine

Flow Graph for repeating movement

Flow Graph for Spawn and Getting rid of the gun in game mode

Tag Point node change to Movement node:

 This is a screen print of testing rotation tag point, it took me a while to figure this out and when I got it working the rotation was very slow. Then found out that you can just add a movement node in and make all the same number on the z, x and y axes. You can also able to change the speed. 

A little change to my 100 words:

I couldn't find any music that would pulse with my model, and I have also changed my model in cry engine since writing the 100 words. So now my model is spinning, rotating with a back and forth movement. I have kept the glowing and changed the colour of the spikes to a deep blue. The music I have chosen gives it a light and sharp movements. The title of the music is My mind sounds like this by Days Dreaming.  


  More Development:

  I have developed my model further by adding another wall behind the bigger group of starry shaped objects. This is so when i do my movie in the ending i can go through one of the crossed windows and slowly zoom away from my model living this hidden world behind.  


Problem that was solved:

My spiky glowing parts of my model would go freeze when i started animating them so by solving this problem I imported components into my model and repeated them. I stopped the animations happening to the glowing spikes around the outside of the star shape and animated the imported components instead. So this problem actually enhanced my model and scene. 









Thursday 24 May 2012

Development of Model in CryEngine

Development and Problem:
I developed my model further by duplicating a group of the spikes from the star shape to the ground and added a rotation movement node. This is so I can move the camera through the spikes while they are rotating. When I bought in the spikes and wall in as a component every time i open up the cry engine file the materials don't appear so I have to assign materials, glow and add the colour every time.    

Monday 21 May 2012

Problems - CryEgine

When I went into game mode in CryEngine my model starting freezing so then i imported my model back in as separated components instead of groups within components. It doesn't seem to freeze as much anymore.   

Another problem I have had quiet frequently is the saving of my CryEngine file. Every time i log back onto the same computer i used every time it seems to disappear. So i have to export my model back into CryEngine from the beginning again. To help stop this from happening every time i decided to save the whole file onto my hard drive and when i log back into my computer i transfer the file from my hard dive back onto the computer file in the H drive.